The Firm

A practical reality is that a deal is paced by documents and crystalizes in documents. The delivery must be flawless and clear. Focusing on detail as much as on the big picture is my everyday job.

Emmy Bricau – M&A Associate

We aim to be and stay at the forefront of modern mergers & acquisitions, offering our clients a comprehensive and one-stop-shop experience in complex strategic mergers and acquisitions.


Founded on a handshake in 2012, Kahn Partners is committed to its DNA of a boutique-size mergers & acquisitions shop seeking to deliver outstanding quality, one complex deal at a time.


As a soup-to-nuts M&A boutique, we have a fully integrated cross-expertise team of M&A advisors, financial analysts, government specialists, lobbyists and lawyers.

We are committed to act every day with u
nrestricted dedication, global thinking and total leadership in the deal, all with the sole goal of optimizing our client’s interests in the deal.


The intensity of an M&A transaction reflects the critical importance of such a transforming event, particularly within the target enterprise. While focused on the details, we need to always keep our cool and think about the big picture of what we are trying to accomplish. It helps the deal, and it helps us respect the feelings and goals of all stakeholders

Pierre Rossi  – M&A Associate.

We use checklists extensively in our deals.  It gives the entire team a permanent point of reference and it is a pacer for all of us.  I maintain it and we go through it together at least twice a day.

Julienne Escaravage  – M&A Associate.